Saturday, 26 October 2013

Frozen Frames, The Multi-Task Tool

Hello again readers, as all of you probably know, I’m trying to use this blog to show you, weekly, different tools with which you can work children’s literature and boost the literacy of your students and kids. This week, I would like to present you an activity that my teacher Raquel showed us the last week, which is the “Frozen-Frames”.
The freeze frames, also known as snapshots, are an extremely useful and funny technique. The purpose is to perform a specific moment or an abstract concept in a concrete way. The only things that you need are actors (your students) and a space to do the freeze frame. Besides, you can work with it in many different perspectives and topic. In fact, you can use it to set a scene of a tale, or whichever concept of science, maths, history among others. Moreover, through this tool you can reinforce some key vocabulary, elicit the acquisition of a range of concept, and enhance the communication as well as their imagination of course.

  • A practical application:
First of all you can divide your class in small groups in order to perform a scene. Then, depending on what you want to work with, you can give a sheet of paper to each group with a topic that they should perform. In this way, they will work their reading skills, their comprehension of the text and the collaborative work. As well as their speaking skills in order to have an agreement about what the text is about and how they will perform it. After that, each group should set the scene, as clear as they can, and the rest of the groups must to figure out the topic and the concept. It is convenient to provide them with some scaffolding at the beginning of the activity to let them know what is the purpose of the activity. Apart of that, you can give them some language support for a further understanding.

Furthermore, if you want to work with a story, you can read it and let the groups to choose one moment of that story, for instance the worst moment or the funniest one. Then, after the performance, you can ask them why they chose it or encourage the class to talk about the difference between the performances, just in case that there were some groups that make the same scene.

A further example of how to use it in class can be, just to reinforce or introduce some vocabulary. In this case, they can work individually or in pairs in order to set a freeze frame of the meaning of some key words related to a topic. To do that in pairs, you can give them a piece of paper, come with the word and other just with a definition o meaning. Then they will have to mingle and try to find their partner, promoting in this way the socialization between the classmates. After that, they should understand the concept and perform it, and the rest of the class should predict what it is. In the case of that nobody guesses it, the students that have had the frozen frame should explain it to the class.   

As you can see, it is a very complete tool, easy to carry out and with endless possibilities of application in class and at home. I hope you enjoy the post and it would be great if you try to do it in class and tell me the result and your impressions. For further information, do not hesitate to contact me.

See you in the next post!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alberto!
    From my point of view, I think it is a very useful funny post. I definately agree to you, it is a very interesting tool. Pupils can show all their imagination and interact with their partners, and it may be a very good idea for shy children who do not know how to open up.
    I remember when I was a child in the school we had a classmate who was quite shy,he never talked to others and he was always sitting in an isolated place becuase he did not know how to show his feeling and emotions. However, in music class everything was different. The teacher worked with us making scene of plays and then this partner changed completely, he looked like other person because he showed his feeling through the music.
    After this experience I consider that this kind of tasks can help children who have social or psicological problems.
    On the other hand, the rest of partners can interact with the mates who are acting, in this way they can improve their vocabulary and they also can add ideas in order to the tale can have another end. So children will use the imagination and a same story can have different endings.
